Organic Foods

Is it better for you?

Organically grown fruits and vegetables certainly have less chemical residue than non-organic products. They are not actively treated with pesticides or fertilizers. However, they are not necessarily free from pesticides, as chemicals may be in the soil before the organic products are planted.

In some instances, conventional farming actually makes food safer. Mycotoxins are carcinogens found in molds and fungus. Conventional farming uses antifungal agents to kill both of these, while organic farming does not.

Is it better for the environment?

Definitely. There is no doubt that the chemicals contaminate waterways and can perpetuate insects, weeds, and crop diseases. For this reason, choosing organically grown foods is a great way to care for the environment.

Does it taste better?

Maybe. Many people claim that organically grown food tastes superior to conventional farming products, but no scientific research supports this.

What about the cost?

Organically grown food products are indeed more expensive than their conventionally grown counterparts. One reason: It costs more to produce less.

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