- Is Nutrition Really Keeping You Healthy?

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Is Nutrition Really Keeping You Healthy?


      (NUISM) - You may not realize it, but many of the nutritional truths you hold sacred might actually be hurting you more than they help. Simply put, nutrition doesn''t work. If it did, we wouldn''t have the health crisis we have today.

      Look at the statistics and decide for yourself whether we''re in trouble: One out of every eight women will have breast cancer and two out of three men over 70 will suffer from prostate cancer.

      And, by the year 2020, researchers estimate that everyone on the planet will suffer from some sort of cancer during their lifetime.

      Many of the health dangers we face everyday come disguised in items we use daily. For example, did you know that you''re unwittingly brushing your teeth twice a day with poison? That''s right. Poison. Read the back of your tube of toothpaste if you don''t believe me. Since April 1997, the Food and Drug Administration has required toothpaste manufacturers to print a warning label on toothpaste labels.

      But why do we continue to buy these products if they are so clearly bad for us? Because we are a duped and conned population. We have been taught by our parents, teachers and camp counselors that flouride is good for us. We''ve been taught that genetically altered foods are good for us. The list goes on.

      But what can you do about it? A company out in the Pacific Northwest is working to solve the problem. Body Electric of Colville, Wash., has committed itself to changing the face of nutrition.

      The company''s founders, Laura and Dan Clausing, never intended to get involved in alternative health. The two had spent nearly 15 years working mainstream nutrition when Laura was diagnosed with a terminal illness and given six months to live.

      Rather than succumb to disease, she decided to fight back. She threw out all her nutrition books and embraced a new truth called "electrical nutrition." With this willingness to learn anew and to take a totally unique approach, Laura was able to overcome her barriers of illness and disease to achieve health and well-being.

      Electrical nutrition is a new understanding of the human body and it''s true architecture. Dan and Laura came to realize that the human body is not chemical or physical, it''s electrical. It''s a vast network of electrical matrices that can be broken down by toxic exposure and ingestion of materials incompatible with the human electrical structure.

      After Laura was cured, the two decided to dedicate their lives to providing the same toxic-free, highly potent prod- ucts that saved Laura.

      To find out more about Body Electric and its products, call 1-877-791-5238 or visit



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