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Using an Asthma Inhaler

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Online learning resources for diabetes, asthma, hypertension, and nutrition.
Diabetes 101: Learn more about diabetes, managing your blood sugar levels, and your diet.
Diabetes 201: Learn more about diabetes, managing your blood sugars, and your diet.
Asthma 101: Learn more about asthma and dealing with shortness of breath.
Hypertension 101: Learn more about hypertension and managing your blood pressure.
Nutrition 101: Learn more about improving your nutrition and diet

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Lesson 5 - Type 2 Diabetes Explained

Treatment for type 2 Diabetes

There is no cure for type 2 diabetes right now, but there are effective treatments. The treatment procedures closely mirror the prevention measures listed above. The treatment goal is to lower your blood glucose level and improve your body's use of insulin.

At first, improving diet and increasing regular exercise may work, especially if it results in weight loss which can help some people get their blood glucose levels into a normal range. Many doctors use the Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine normal and unhealthy weight ranges. Having a BMI of >25 increases your risk for developing diabetes complications. Click here to access the BMI Calculator.

If these measures do not result in better blood glucose control, your doctor may prescribe diabetes pills. Diabetes pills lower your blood glucose level, but they are different from insulin. If the combination of diet, exercise and diabetes pills do not lower and maintain your blood glucose within a normal range, you may need to take insulin. As with type 1 diabetes, it is important for you to test your blood glucose regularly and get regular check-ups to monitor and correct your diabetes-management plan if necessary.

Assignment #3

Are you curious about the connection between weight and type 2 diabetes. If so, this article takes an intriguing look at this timely topic.

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