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Online learning resources for diabetes, asthma, hypertension, and nutrition.
Diabetes 101: Learn more about diabetes, managing your blood sugar levels, and your diet.
Diabetes 201: Learn more about diabetes, managing your blood sugars, and your diet.
Asthma 101: Learn more about asthma and dealing with shortness of breath.
Hypertension 101: Learn more about hypertension and managing your blood pressure.
Nutrition 101: Learn more about improving your nutrition and diet

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Hypertension Library: Care of Hypertension

Walking Program

(All figures are for U.S.)

Warm Up
Target Zone Exercising *
Cool Down Time
Week 1
Session A
Walk normally 5 min. Then walk briskly 5 min. Then walk normally 5 min. 15 min.
Session B
– Repeat above pattern –
Session C
– Repeat above pattern –
Continue with at least three exercise sessions during each week of the program. If you find a particular week's pattern tiring, repeat it before going on to the next pattern. You do not have to complete the walking program in 12 weeks.
Week 2 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 7 min. Walk 5 min. 17 min.
Week 3 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 9 min. Walk 5 min. 19 min.
Week 4 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 11 min. Walk 5 min. 21 min.
Week 5 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 13 min. Walk 5 min. 23 min.
Week 6 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 15 min. Walk 5 min. 25 min.
Week 7 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 18 min. Walk 5 min. 28 min.
Week 8 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 20 min. Walk 5 min. 30 min.
Week 9 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 23 min. Walk 5 min. 33 min.
Week 10 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 26 min. Walk 5 min. 36 min.
Week 11 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 28 min. Walk 5 min. 38 min.
Week 12 Walk 5 min. Walk briskly 30 min. Walk 5 min. 40 min.
Week 13 and thereafter
Check your pulse periodically to see if you are exercising within your target zone . As you get more in shape, try exercising within the upper range of your target zone. Gradually increase your brisk walking time to 30 to 60 minutes, three or four times a week. Remember that your goal is to get the benefits you are seeking and enjoy your activity.

How to calculate your target heart rate zone

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